Yamazaki the Crab

The world according to Yamazaki: A crustacean's point of view

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Trippy Dream

Whoa! I just dreamt that my (adopted) grandfather bought me this palatial aquarium. It was nuts! There were all these cool fish on the bottom layer and on the top there was this huge seashell with a mermaid in it, à la Botticelli's The Birth of Venus but much more respectable. I was huge too. I was like the He-Man of crabs. Even though I was so big it wasn't cramped at all because there was so much space and gallons of water. The rest of the aquarium was Elvis' meets the Lounge Lizard- white base with faux pearls strung around and lots of gold.

Then the dream morphed and I was in another aquarium but it was even bigger. It turned out that they were shooting a Disney movie and I was in it. The other actors kept forgetting their lines but I never flubbed mine. I was so cool. Completely awesome. I was fighting to stay asleep so I could live in the dream for a little longer.

Get rid of that palm tree and bring me that mermaid!


  • At 16 May, 2006 09:21, Blogger meish said…

    someone wants a serious home makeover. i think you should take down the palm tree, and maybe your family will take a hint.


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