Yamazaki the Crab

The world according to Yamazaki: A crustacean's point of view

Friday, April 28, 2006

You ugly, mass of non-biodegradable petroleum - You are my enemy

I would like to share with everyone that my Uncle Tseming also has a blog. Unlike this blog, he actually has some interesting and insightful things to share with the world. My Uncle Tseming is uber smart and devastatingly handsome. My Auntie Tinling enriches the world by her very existence. Uncle Tseming and Auntie Tinling, the two wonderful people that they are, share my indignation of the plastic palm tree. (ahem...If Uncle Tseming and Auntie Tinling are reading, this is a not so subtle hint to take the plastic palm tree out of my habitat the next time you visit.)

Crabbies of the World- UNITE!!!

To all the other crabbies out there with plastic palm trees cluttering your home, I feel your frustration. I do. I really really do. I now ask you to join me in drafting the Universal Declaration of Crabby Rights. I propose that the first article contain a complete ban on plastic palm trees. Brothers and Sisters, are you with me?! Down with the plastic palm tree!!

In Solidarity,



  • At 30 April, 2006 19:56, Blogger Tseming Yang said…

    Dear Comrade Yamazaki:

    I stand in solidarity with you! Plastic trees not only clutter up aquariums but also create a false environmental consciousness. You deserve better.

    But remember, Confucius says that it is not good to bite (pinch?) the hand that feeds you. Wait at least a month before you bring a grievance about your aquarium to your family.


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